2017 Race Results Are Available
Go to the results link to check them out.
Race Review
The 2017 race turned out to have the best weather for a run in the foothills. As usual there were some skinned knees and leg cramps out on the course but everyone seemed to finish with a smile. Young Peter Wykoff (yes, of the running Wykoff dynasty) won the overall men's 5k title while Christina Ortiz won the women's. Martin Nunez won the men's 20k event and Melissa Rosales outran all of the women. Congratulations to them and all who took on this tough course.
As always, we thank those who helped to make Toad's happen: South High ROTC for manning the water stations, and CSUB Kinesiology students who covered all of the other duties.
We really appreciate the fine businesses that sponsor this event. Please support them as much as they support you. Find out who they are by using the sponsor links on the left.
Be sure to attend the upcoming winter events like the Fog Run, BTC Half Marathon, and the CSUB Kinesiology Club Valentine's Run. Find these and more at the BTCwebsite.
Go to the results link to check them out.
Race Review
The 2017 race turned out to have the best weather for a run in the foothills. As usual there were some skinned knees and leg cramps out on the course but everyone seemed to finish with a smile. Young Peter Wykoff (yes, of the running Wykoff dynasty) won the overall men's 5k title while Christina Ortiz won the women's. Martin Nunez won the men's 20k event and Melissa Rosales outran all of the women. Congratulations to them and all who took on this tough course.
As always, we thank those who helped to make Toad's happen: South High ROTC for manning the water stations, and CSUB Kinesiology students who covered all of the other duties.
We really appreciate the fine businesses that sponsor this event. Please support them as much as they support you. Find out who they are by using the sponsor links on the left.
Be sure to attend the upcoming winter events like the Fog Run, BTC Half Marathon, and the CSUB Kinesiology Club Valentine's Run. Find these and more at the BTCwebsite.